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The American Churchman: The New Sanhedrin?

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2 thoughts on “The American Churchman: The New Sanhedrin?”

  1. Hello John,
    I am a presbyterian pastor. I’ve been at it for over 30 years. I listened to your podcast on Neo Evangelicalism. I grant that places like Fuller have gone down hill. That can happen to any seminary depending on who is in charge. I guess I would be very hesitant about taking on the likes of Billy Graham, Carl Henry and some of the other very influential folks who have won many folks to faith in Christ. Your criticisms are pretty broad sweeping and I wonder if there might be some other explanations for what has happened. Having been a “missionary” in more liberal areas, my take is that evangelicals were “successful” in doing church and reaching lost people. Many moderates and even liberals saw this and decided to join what was successful. I know this anecdotally from people that I watched do exactly this. Remember that the Fundamentalist battle was a presbyterian one that involved Princeton Seminary, IE-the five fundamentals of the faith that eventually led to the formation of the OPC in the 1930’s. It was never about separation from the “culture”. If not for the likes of Billy Graham and some that you are labeling Neo Evangelicals, out nation would be much less Christian today then otherwise. I appreciate your podcast, but boy, I sure would be hesitant about calling out some of these names.

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